Latest News
The Groupe Net Tech Plus has the concern to keep its customers updated with its latest news about offered services, procedures of chemical treatements, and acquisition of new equipments.
Thanks to our dynamic team of technicians and our specialist in physical and materials engineering, the company offers a highly professional command of its chemical treatement of metal surfaces
Acquisition of a new hydraulic flushing oil unit with an oil-controlled heating system and a partical counter in accordance to ISO 4406 standard.
The Groupe Net Tech Plus has recently launched a new-look website, reflecting our own commitement to using new information technologies in the development strategy of our company.
metallic surfaces and stainless steel treatment
- Our specialized services include treating alloys such as stainless steels as per our customers specifications, while adjusting to the required ASTM standars. Our finishing processes meet the highest quality standards and executed by a team of professionals eager to respond efficiently and quickly to the needs of the industry.
The carbon/stainless steel parts contaminated by grease or oil, cutting residues, dust, etc. during manufacturing and assembly, must be cleaned prior to any treatment, by removing inorganic contaminants or else that would inhibit reactions of subsequent treatment. Degreasing and cleaning are the first stage before proceeding to pickling (descaling), passivation or electropolishing of stainless steels..
Our chemical pickling procedure consists of removing the oxide layers subsequent of welding, rust or any surface overheating of steel during industrial operations. We proceed by de-rusting stage when facing rust spots are within a part. All the procedures are in accordance with the ASTM standards.
With our passivation process the quality level of decontamination is an assurance of an optimal resistance against corrosion and contamination, in accordance with the ASTM and AMS standards. The passivation is a treatment that provides an optimal chromium concentration at the parts surface. Our services cover the stainless steels of the series 300, 400, Duplex, PH, as well as the CA6NM grade. Cleaning and passivation treatments of valves for the oxygen, chlorine, hydrogen and peroxide of hydrogen services are also provided, according to existing industrial standards (ASTM and CGA
We accept payment by credit card on our paypal account, even if you do not have an account with paypal. a 4% charge may apply.
Our electropolishing process guarantees brightness and surface finish without altering the superficial layer proprieties. With our equipment, the electropolishing treatment covers very small parts up to 1m³ dimension, including inside tanks. electropolishing is particularly well suited for stainless steel and nickel.
In installation including hydraulic systems, it is essential that the cleanliness is guaranteed before operation. With our hydraulic flushing and filtration services, we provide the circulation of hot oil to reach such cleanliness levels, in accordance with the standard ISO4406.
Such a process is aiming to loosen and to eliminate the biofilm (bacteria incubation and hosting) by chemical processes and/or by pressure, descaling, and disinfection of the cooling tower, in accordance with the standards ASHRAE Guideline 12-2000 and CTI Guidelines WTB-148 (08). Our program is managed by a professional chemist member of the Ordre des chimistes du Québec.chimiste professionnel et membre de l’ordre des chimistes.

Our metal treatment methods comply with specific standards imposed by the aviation industry.
We work in unison with the local,provincial and federal governments.We provide chemical treatments on water tanks, salt- spreading equipment, stainless steel ramps and swimming pool equipment.

Groupe Net Tech Plus also specializes in electropolishing treatments for medical and surgical equipment. Sterilization and removal of organic residue from pharmaceutical equipment.
Groupe Net Tech Plus has been working with the food industry for more than 15 years. Our cleaning and passivation methods ensure both perfect protection and sterilization of treated metal parts, thus reducing the risks of contamination.SERVICE QUALITY

The quality of service is always in the center of the concerns of Group Net Tech Plus and so our treatements are highly professional.
Over 20 years of experience in the field
We serve the United States and Canada
Our services are of high quality provided by professional
The company takes the proper precautions to ensure better environment protection